How to Know When Your Pasture is Ready for Grazing

I wanted to take time to say thank you for being part of our community. From the winter solstice, here is something to add a bit of cheer – a free inspirational tidbit that looks forward to the spring!

This clip was from a pasture restoration project we call Peaceful Valley. The field had been turned to mud a few months before, and we used the hay feeding program to cover the land and fertilize it, reseed it without any added inputs. Nothing more than using the wastes in a different way than normal.

Bottom line was the remediation got us a better field and cost us no more than what we had invested already in the hay we were feeding. Changing how we did things got us DRAMATICALLY better results.

In this clip, the field is recovering and we are looking at how to know when it is ready to re-graze. We will be sending more of the story in the weeks ahead.

We have grown a lot and gotten a lot of amazing progress in developing our farm in 2016. We will be releasing more free videos to share with you over the next few weeks and months. If you get on Facebook, be sure to follow our Simple Soil Solutions page as we will also be putting out a lot of great stuff there.

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How to Restore Your Farm Field or Garden – Without Chemicals!

In this episode, we show you how to take a degraded, eroding field and in one short year turn it into a diverse, fertile, and productive production unit! Happy plants, happy cattle, happy farmer, happy people!

How to Restore Your Farm Field or Garden – Without Chemicals! from Vail Dixon on Vimeo.

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How to Mix and Spray Amendments for Healthy Soil and Plants

In this episode, we show you when and how to mix and spray organic soil amendments to speed up soil fertility and grow stronger, healthier plants.

How to Mix and Spray Amendments for Healthy Soil and Plants from Vail Dixon on Vimeo.

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Grazing vs Mowing

In this episode, we explore the productivity differences in our managed grazing system to just outside the fence that has been mowed repeatedly. Stressed plants go to seed earlier and have shorter, spiky, and thinner leaves (and roots!)

Grazing vs Mowing – 10/24/2014 from Vail Dixon on Vimeo.

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Look What We Found in Our Field – Earthworms Turned Horse Poop Into Gold

Discover how earthworms have gone crazy in a horse pasture that we have been restoring

Look What We Found in Our Field – Earthworms Turned Horse Poop Into Gold from Vail Dixon on Vimeo.

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Grazing Power™ — Overviews of Movable Fence System

In this episode we show you some of the basic elements of a movable fence grazing system, and and overview of some of our layouts during the past year.


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Grazing Power™ — The Big Picture

In this episode, we take a look at some of the big picture reasons for adopting a new way of managing the relationship between pasture, soil and herd animals.

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