Do you want to learn more about holistic grazing systems and how to create healthy soil, animals and plants?
Come out and share a pasture walk with Vail Dixon at Hawk’s Journey Farm!
We will show you how we manage our cattle, chickens, gardens and permaculture swales and perennial plantings of trees and shrubs to create shade, food, wildlife, medicine, mushrooms, timber, and more!
Vail will choose topic of the day based on where the herds are and what is going on…but will leave plenty of time for enjoyment, collaborative discussion and questions!

- Future dates to be announced soon
Hawk’s Journey Farm in Nelson County, VA
2370 Buffalo Station Drive, Gladstone, VA 24553
NOTE: GPS will often lead you astray and many cell phones don’t work here! Verizon will work well here, US Cellular a bit, and the rest of them not well at all.
CLICK HERE for accurate directions
Pricing is per FARM, FAMILY, or PROJECT UNIT (2 adults allowed per unit).
Children can attend free as long as they want to learn and are safe and calm around animals.
Bringing your own dog not recommended – call if special arrangements needed.
Deaf older dog on premises and free range chickens – Kitty who likes to explore vehicles left open and may ride home with you!
Bring your own food and refreshments!
Please come ready to walk through tall grass. We will depart from main parking / courtyard promptly at start time.