Crop Specific Nutrient Package (Chemistry)


Please contact us if you would like to purchase testing - as we are negotiating our next years pricing with the lab

SKU: SSS-PS-CSNP Category: Tag:


This soil chemistry test uses a modified Spurway method that illustrates what nutrients are actually available to the plant in the root zone.  It is not a measure based solely on extractable macro-nutrients as most other chemistry tests are.  Our Crop Specific Nutrient Package gives you more information than many other chemistry tests as well, including the following assays: pH, soil type, Humus content, soluble salts, Calcium, Nitrates, Ammonium, Phosphate, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, Manganese, Boron, Copper, Zinc, Sulfates and Chlorides.  The information from this test correlates well to soil biology testing and gives you a complete picture of what is happening near your plant’s roots.  This test can also be performed without a specific crop indicated to obtain an available nutrient “baseline” on soils, composts and liquid amendments such as compost tea.

Retail Value: $75

Send an extra 2 cups (10 oz) of material. Includes pH, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Mn, Cu, Zn, S, Cl, soluble salts, humus.
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